Tuesday 31 May 2016

Suburban Sprawl, Its Causes, and Its Effects on Your Area


This article is is focused on the effects of suburban sprawl. Suburbs are cheaper to live in than compared to the city. They are desirable places to live and raise a family while having a lot of open space whether it be from the open roads to your front yard. Suburbs have many similar housing designs with most of them being fairly close to each other.The people are friendly and are apart of their community.Its just like living in the city but cheaper, quieter,and more comfortable,also buying goods coasts less.Those are just the positive parts of living in the suburbs and there are many negatives.Suburbs are usually being built on excellent farmland which is causing less and less crops being harvested each year.If your jib is in the city you would have to drive there but there would be many others doing the same thing causing lots of traffic,air pollution, and would cause you to spend more on gas money while wasting some of your time. Houses in the suburbs maybe cheap to buy but building those houses in the first place are a lot more expensive. If you live in a new suburbs but the metropolitan area continues to sprawl soon enough it will be your housing that will be considered obsolete and while the government loses money. There are more reasons why suburbs are a bad development and to stop more of them being built is by having more development around the edges of cities instead.

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