Tuesday 10 May 2016

5 things to know about Canada's Syrian refugee program

1. It's not what the Liberals promised during the campaign.

Initially, they said they would bring 25,000 Syrians to Canada by the end of 2015 under the government-assisted refugee program that sees the government take on the full cost of a person's resettlement for a full year. The Liberal campaign platform said they would work with private sponsors to do even more.

2. How many privately sponsored Syrian refugees will be accepted to Canada remains unknown.

While the government has set a target number for Syrians they'll support, they've not yet set a cap on how many private sponsorship applications they'll accept. As of Feb. 27, there were 8,527 Syrians in Canada with private sponsors and applications continue to be received by government.

3. There are more than 25,000 Syrians here.

The previous Conservative government had also accepted Syrian refugees, albeit on a smaller scale and in a program that was over a much longer timeline. Their original program was to resettle 1,500 between summer 2013 and the end of 2014, but that goal was not met until March 2015.

4. Canada is officially resettling more Syrian refugees than many other countries.

An estimated 4.7 million Syrians have registered as refugees since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011. But the UN refugee agency is not seeking permanent new homes for that many. They've reached out to countries to absorb about 10 per cent.
Only Germany has made more official spaces formally available than Canada. Just under one million Syrians, though, have sought asylum in European countries, meaning they've travelled on their own and have claimed refugee status upon arrival. Some have UN refugee status, some don't. Since July 2013 and until the end of last year, 1,502 Syrian nationals already in Canada have requested, and received, refugee status

5. Syrians who've arrived in Canada mostly do not come from refugee camps.

Only about 10 per cent of Syrian refugees are in formal refugee camps in the countries surrounding Syria, according to the United Nations refugee agency. The rest are living everywhere from rented apartments to farm fields.

This article relates to the big question by taking what we learned from the Syrian refugee crisis and making suring the government doesn't make us go through the same situation.

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