Monday 2 May 2016

Canada Aims to Welcome up to 305,000 new Permanent Residents in 2016 Across all Immigration Categories

Canada Aims to Welcome up to 305,000 new Permanent Residents in 2016 Across all Immigration Categories


This article is about the target for the 2016 Immigration Levels Plan. Canada aims to have 305,000 new permanent residents during 2016. This has been the first time in many years that the government settled a target of 300,000 or possibly even greater. This article entails about how Canada is opening their doors to a large number of immigrants. Creating lots of plans for improved family reunification and refugees. These immigrants are coming from Syria, where there country is full of war.

What's There:

The issue is that Canada is aiming to bring over tons of immigrants to be permanent residence. When the government plans to go through with this is throughout the whole year of 2016. All of the country, that includes the territories and provinces are partaking in this mission to bring in the immigrants. Overall, what Canada is aiming to do with this plan is to establish permanent residents who are immigrants from a country that is unsafe for them. Welcoming as many immigrants and refugees as possible. The answer to why Canada wants to do this is because the people want to aid the Syrians who;s home are war-torn. In hopes to help build happier lives. Along with constructing happier lives, we can also "build a better Canada". The people who are participating in this would be Canada and it's government, and the refugees and immigrants. 

Why is it there:

This is an issue because other people do not have a safe country to live in, so they need a healthier environment to raise their children, work, etc. Syria is a country full of war, and war is such a violent action. It is also an unsuitable way for people to live, especially for children. They should not have to grow up in that type of environment. Canada wants to bring them over to escape their reality of a war-torn country. Canada has a lot of room to help save some of these refugees from their nightmare of a reality.

Why Care:

It is not only important to understand what events are occurring in our own country, but in other countries as well. To understand that events from other places can dictate what we do as a country. This has a direct affect to the immigrants and refugees who make their way over to Canada. They have to adjust to a new environment with new laws. This ultimately affects them in a positive as they are on the road of building a brighter future away from the dangers that haunted them in their old country. This also affects the citizens of Canada because now with more people in the country,a lot of things are going to change for them as well. One of the things that will change is that there will be a bigger competition for jobs as their are more people that with need them. The environment of Canada will have a lot more people that came from different cultures. The connection to this article and what we have been discussing in class is the topic of immigrants. This connects to how we have been talking about why people immigrate to new countries. Whether it was due to violence (war), discrimination, economic problems, etc. These immigrants are arriving to Canada because of a war. This also connects to how we talked about why they choose the country they move to. It can be for safety, job opportunity, etc. We also talked about how immigrants raise the population. When these immigrants come, the population will grow due to them coming and when they reproduce. 

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