Tuesday 31 May 2016

 Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry


Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry

The article titled as Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry, talks about how methane is taking the place of carbon dioxide due to companies shutting down use of coal fired factories, and replaced with ones that burn natural gases. The reason being that these types of factories release less carbon dioxide but the problem with that is studies show that these natural gas infrastructures are leaking large amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere.The leaks have enough methane to completely wipe out most of the gains Obama administration’s work on climate change has done. This effects Canada because we are America's neighboring country and with all that methane being blow north it will effect us as well.We should care about this not just because of the amount of pollution being made or how it would effect global warming in a disastrous way but to our safety as well. Methane is a fire hazard so unexpectedly a fire could go off, secondly it can effect humans in terrible ways such as sickness,vomiting, nausea,even frostbite (turns exposed skin whitish/yellowish), and intestinal pains. That is why we should care because of all these reasons.

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