Tuesday 10 May 2016


Why some Syrian refugees decline Canada’s resettlement offer

In the article Why some Syrian refugees decline Canada’s resettlement offer, this article informs us that there are many people who are declining immigration to Canada. Many of them who are declining are the people which Canada wants to come for example Omayma al-Kasem has completed four years of law school and volunteers as a mental health worker, but she isn't interested in coming.
Three out of every ten households asked to resettle to canada chose to just relocate. Some are hoping to return home, others don't know if they will be able to integrate into the new country. People would have to learn a new language and some don't come because of cultural reasons.   
 Omayma al-Kasem has chosen not to come because her brother and his wife would not be able to come and she doesn't want to split her family up.They are struggling to put food on their table but she believes that when the civil war is over she wants to be one of the first people to rebuild her home back in Syria. She is not the only family with this kind of story there are many others like her. They don't want to leave their homeland and move to a foreign area.

Big Question: How might Canada’s response to the Syrian refugee crisis affect Canadian communities?

Canada's response to the Syrian refugee crisis affect Canadian communities because the people that are educated, care about their family, and highly religious people are declining the offer to come to Canada. But these are the people that would help our Canadian communities. The government should try and help people with their needs so they are able to come to Canada not splitting up families etc.   

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