Thursday 24 March 2016

Sink-hole blocks Laval St. near Carré St-Louis

A sinkhole has appeared on Laval Avenue near Carré St-Louis.

In this article they talk about how a sink-hole was formed on Laval St. that managed to break the 125 years old water main. This caused the water to be cut of for about 24 hours. Many residents were not happy blaming it on how the city was not using the money incorrectly by using it on festivals and not on fixing their city and making it safe. The sink-hole was not to big though only being 6 metres by 4 metres and the city of Montreal's workers were on the scene and got the sink-hole fixed in a few days. They just hope this doesn't happen again.


  1. my grandma lives there, its in quebec

  2. I am sure that the city has more money and did not use their money incorrectly at all. Issues like this happen commonly in different regions due to nature! It is just a matter of them finding a solution to the issue, which they did! Good effort! Very impressed! Keep up the great work bud :)


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