Thursday 24 March 2016

Climate Change Impact


          Climate Change has definitely made an impact in Nunavut. There are positive and negative impacts.
The melting ice may clear up and allow ships to travel through the Arctic however this does affect economic benefits such as hunting, fishing, wildlife and others. Climate change also raise risk of oil spills and chemical spills however this opens up oil deposits that companies will strive for.


  1. This is a a very big issue around the world. Climate change can impact everyone through different reasons. If all the ice melts then Canada along with other countries can be destroyed. Although we can get oil deposits it's not worth it because of the consequence we will have to face.

  2. Climate change can been great but can always have a disadvantage depending on the area. It would be great to have no disadvantages while climate change occurs in different areas.

  3. I agree, climate change is a very depressing topic since it impacts everyone and could change the world for the worse,but it can be avoided by taking care of the earth and not dumping chemicals in the atmosphere.#SaveThePlanet


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