Wednesday 22 March 2017

What do I want to get out of this course?

Statistics show 85% of Americans go to jobs they hate, but because of many peoples circumstances they do not have they choice to just quit, be picky and search for a job that would please them. I personally do not wanna live the rest of my life going to a job that I hate, I want my future career is something that I wake up and look forward to. If I don't live my dream job of an athlete I definitely want my plan B which is obviously my career to be something that I enjoy. What I want out of this course it to guide me to help choose my future career, if it is something I am going to be doing for the rest of my life, It better be something I enjoy and love. I'm going to try and use the abilities and advices I got from this courses and think deeply with what I want to do as a career and hopefully choose the right career path for my future.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

What I want to learn from this course

What i want to get out off this course is for me to learn what job i want to get in the future and to try and to take courses in this school to try to help me reach my goal of becoming what it is that i want to do. In the movie the bucket list it shows two old mans in the hospital and they find out that there gonna die so they try to make a bucket list and try to do what they want before they die so they have no regrets i life. So I want to do things that i know that i can accomplish and do them before i die.

I feel like if your not happy with the job then don't do that job. Try to find another job that interests you a lot like something you wanted to do that was exciting or fun and not boring because there will be that day that you will regret things in your life.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

I know what interests me

I discovered that I am more interested in mathematics and science because I realize how much more applicable they are to my future career choice. I also realized how much I truly enjoy biking. I realize that I am more of a business, social science kind of guy. I discovered that I would enjoy being an electrician, so that is a new career choice that I am considering, I realize that I am more into fitness. My interests affect my job choices because since I want to be a personal trainer it is because I am into fitness.kalemwade;postID=2957967334120375583;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=postname

Friday 10 February 2017

Strengths and Weaknesses of my Personality

I’m a very independent individual. I prefer to be alone and I am introverted. I work best when I'm alone and not in groups. I like presenting, I am quiet, I’m analytical and very observant. I am very emotional and affectionate. These characteristics do match the adjectives I used in task 1. I am very organized and responsible and I help others. I need to improve on my communicating skills. I am a strong presenter. I have a lot of confidence. I am very disciplined. I work out and stay fit and I always study to make sure I understand the material fully. I need to improve my group work.

Thursday 9 February 2017

I know how I learn

I discovered that I am a visual learner. I now realize that my most used method for learning is "Underline or highlight key ideas in your notes." This is the most effective learning style for me because it helps me stay organized and helps me know which information is most important and which information is least important.

Monday 6 February 2017

Doom and Gloom Vidoes

Tuesday, February 7th, 2017

My way to success

I found these videos very negative towards Canada's youth today. It is sending a very depressing message for today's generation. It is very unfortunate for Canadians that the unemployment rate is so high. For this course, I would like to learn as much as I can for each career so I know which career would suit me best. It is very crucial to get a lot of connections so that me not getting hired won't be an issue. To make a good choice regarding post-secondary training or job preparation, I would need to choose a career and not change my mind and stick to that career. Otherwise, if I keep having to change my mind about what I want to be, there will be issues with time.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Competition for the Arctic!

     With global warming in effect, this has started to melt the ice and snow in the Arctic. The Arctic is estimated to hold the world's largest remaining untapped gas reserve. Currently only a few countries have a piece of the Arctic to claim to be theirs, but most of the Arctic is neutral ground.

    Why does this matter?

   With millions of people using gas to do their basic needs everyday, natural gas will not last forever. Once gas and oil is used, you cannot get it back. With the Arctic potentially holding the most remaining natural gas left on this planet, this could be an international problem as many countries will be fighting for this land.

How will this effect our environment?

   If an oil spill were to happen in the Arctic, it would truly be almost impossible to clean up as there is no effective way to clean up oil in icy water. Also, it would take days for help to come, as the Arctic is very hard to get to. Finally, ocean noise could injure marine mammals because they use sound to navigate.

   In conclusion, with the Arctic melting it could potentially be a disaster as many countries try to get their natural gas, which could hurt the environment and animals nearby.